An RFC 4112 conformant UUID generator creating v1, v3, v4, and v5 UUIDs. Depends on the crypto-js
package for its usage of MD5 (v3) and SHA (v5) hashing and nothing else.
In node, first install the package:
npm install --save big-uuid
Then require the package:
const v4 = new uuid.UUID();
// 005e31bc-82a9-4ad8-ce3f-33dce8f03488
const v1 = new uuid.UUID({
version: 1,
// Optionally provide your own clockSequenceGetter,
// nodeIdentifierGetter, and/or timestampGetter.
const v3 = new uuid.UUID({
version: 3,
/* One of the UUIDs from the standard or one of your making. */
namespaceId: uuid.NamespaceIds.URL,
name: 'foobar',
const v5 = new uuid.UUID({
version: 3,
/* One of the UUIDs from the standard or one of your making. */
namespaceId: uuid.NamespaceIds.X500,
name: 'test',
In the browser, build the package (with npm run build
) or install the package from npm and navigate to node_modules/big-uuid
, then copy the dist/browser/index.js
file and point the src of a script block to that file.